Recording Instructional Video & Embedding in Canvas

In these days of uncertainty in education, we all should be preparing blended learning resources for our students – whether we are lucky enough to be instructing students face-to-face, if we have some students who are learning from home, or if we all have to return to remote learning and instruction. See my post on Blended Learning Strategies, Instructional Video & Tools for Student Engagement for best practices and an overview of some great tools available. This post, however, focuses on some different workflows to easily (as possible) record your own instruction and embed your video into Canvas.

Unfortunately, there is not one ‘Best’ way to accomplish this, so I have outlined several approaches. Find one that will work best for you, and master it! Below are some slides that outline these strategies and workflows, but for some more depth, how-to videos and to see and compare what the recorded video looks like (not all methods and recording tools are equal!), please explore the pages in this public Canvas course that I have created:

Recording & Embedding Instructional Video in Canvas


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