Gearing up for SAGE Writing and Summative Assessments

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OnTrack Section #:68149 , Course #:60022

View today’s training (YouTube)

SAGE Writing & Summative Training Outline/Agenda

  1. SAGE System Overview
  2. SAGE Summative – Notes From the Field (slides 1-18)
    1. Actual testing time averages
    2. Writing test lengths
    3. Ways to reduce testing time
    4. Suggestions from districts who have completed trimester tests
    5. Vertical Linking Items
    6. Ethics reminder – Ethics Policy here
    7. Test Administration Manual
  3. SAGE Writing Resources (slides 19-23)
    1. Opinion & Informative Essay Rubrics, sample writing tasks, as well as scored writing samples from the Training Test prompts are on the SAGE Portal here (Teachers → Teacher Resources)
    2. Hopefully examples from grades 3-6 are available in the same spot soon
    3. In Common: Effective Writing for All Students
    4. SAGE ELA Blueprints
    5. ELA Samples of Student Writing and Exemplars from UEN
    6. DWA and SAGE Writing
      1. Students need to take both this year
      2. SAGE Writing will replace DWA after this year
      3. USOE is working on a Utah Writes replacement for all grades
  4. SAGE Training Tests (slides 24-32)
    1. Purpose
    2. Content Areas & Grade Bands
    3. Best Practices
    4. Video: Item taking tips from USOE content specialists

SAGE Assessment System Overview:

Gearing Up for SAGE Writing & Summative Assessments:

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