Utah’s New Formative, Summative, Adaptive Assessment System – SAGE Demo

Curious about what the new assessment system for Utah will look like? You can try out several sample items on the demo site here: http://demo.tds.airast.org/AIRAssessment/

It’s surely not your Mother’s (or even my) old multiple-guess test that students could blow through in 5 minutes (if they were so inclined). Rich items, interactivity, and constructed responses – all machine graded. Make sure to use the drop-down menu at the top to choose from the many different item types. Even works on an iPad! Note: item grading is not available at this time, but should be available in a few weeks.

More information about the new assessment system can be found on the USOE Assessment page. Take a look, kick the tires, and let me know what you think!

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