What is Twitter for You?

This great post from @tomwhitby got me thinking… Do I use Twitter for more than keeping up on new things in EdTech and for my own Professional Development? Being a trainer, I’m usually the one in front of the group. It’s rare that I get the chance to sit back and learn from others in traditional settings. The only chance I get to learn from others is from Twitter.

Twitter has been most of my PD for the past few years, but I have not yet effectively been using it to collaborate with other teachers. My first great success in collaborating or reaching out to other teachers via Twitter was just yesterday. I sent a question out about good anti-bullying resources and almost immediately, a teacher in my region sent me back a link to an amazing YouTube video.

I have tried this in the past, but it seemed like I was shouting into the wind. Today, there was some great positive reinforcement for me to use the tool in this way. I’ll certainly use it more for collaboration in the future, while continuing to share what I find and learn as well as listen to others for their great ideas and suggestions.

What type of teacher are you – Connected or Not? What effect does this choice have on your instruction?


One response to “What is Twitter for You?”

  1. Your example of immediate feedback was spot on. In my library, I had a great network of peers, I could get suggestions on books and the Twitter stream was a constant source of useful information!

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