Media Management Magic with Mmm… Plex!

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Plex is a free server system that shares/delivers media to other computers and connected devices within your school network. Plex can be set up on almost any computer in your school that has sufficient storage and speed to serve media to your teachers/students.

Take a look at the presentation below to learn more about how to set up and use Plex as a media server for your school.

Or, you can download a PowerPoint version of the presentation here:

Media Management Magic with Plex PPT

Links included in the presentation (links open in a new window):

Ideas for using Plex in Schools:

  • Easily manage educational videos from eMedia
  • Easily add and distribute videos, audio files, podcasts, iTunes U content to teachers desktops with the Plex Media Center or to teacher/student iPads with the Plex app ($4.99)
  • Great place to archive and distribute student videos, photos, podcasts
  • Access online content ‘Channels’ like YouTube, TedEd and others

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