Avoid PowerPointLessNess

View the presentation from the session here:
Seven Deadly Sins of PowerPoint, and How To Avoid Them:


Avoid PowerPointLessNess in your Classroom:



Tips for Effective Presentations:
  • Stay Consistent:
    • Each slide has the same look and feel
    • If transitions are used, use the same throughout
    • Only deviate to make a point of emphasis
  • Keep it Simple:
    • Use a single, easy to read font.
    • Never let the font size auto adjust to a smaller size
    • Use dark backgrounds with bright text
  • Follow the 6×6 Rule:
    • Only 6 bullets per page
    • Only 6 words per line
    • Never more than 6 images/slide
  • Space and the number of slides are unlimited, so don’t crowd the slides!



I’ve written about Animoto before, but let’s take a closer look…
Animoto videos/presentations are created in 3 easy steps:
  1. Upload pictures, add text, and arrange them in the order you want.
  2. Pick your music – upload your own or choose from their many options.
  3. Select your animation theme, and let the site do the rest.
All of the hard part – putting in the motion, transitions, music and effects, are done automagically by the site. Don’t like the results? You can remix it as many times as needed. You can also go back and edit the project to add to it or correct mistakes once it’s produced.
Here’s an example that I created in about 10 minutes – National and State Parks in Maui
  • Prezi is a whole new approach to presentations
  • Size and scale are used to show??heircachy, not slides and bullets
  • You work in a presentation ‘space’??and create the flow of the presentation with simple and intuitive tools.
  • The trick is to??start to think??in multiple??dimensions!
  • Great Prezi example -??Mixing Mind and Metaphor
  • Make sure you??sign up for the “Edu Enjoy” account, which is the $59/year account that is free for educators (Thanks, Prezi!)??
  • Prezi is a little different than any other presentation method you may have seen before. Take the time to??learn how to use it to it’s full potential.
Google Presentations:
Google Docs in Plain English:
  • The only thing that is Light Years ahead of anyone else here is the Collaboration.
  • 10 people can edit a presentation at the same time. However, you can share a presentation with up to 200 people!
  • The Good News???You probably already have it!
  • Teachers in the SEDC region??have Gmail-based Email, and??have email along with:
    • Presentations with Docs, Spreadsheets, and Forms
    • Calendars
    • Sites
In the classroom….
  • Teachers can set up presentation ‘templates’ where each student (or small group) is in charge of one or many slides.
  • Students become the CONTENT EXPERTS for that topic during slide(s) creation
  • The process takes what would have been multiple files on multiple topics, and transforms it to ONE DOCUMENT.
  • Student Content Experts then teach their concept to the rest of the class
  • We have done collaborative projects with:
    • Rock Identification
    • Math Story Problems
    • Writing Across The Curriculum
  • View examples on the SEDC Site

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