Google Docs for Gateway Prep

Thanks for your participation today on Google Docs. Today we’ll take a good close look at how to take your documents to the cloud, and do things that you could never imagine doing in Microsoft Word. Google Docs are not a replacement for Word, but there are some amazing collaboration tools and ways to share documents with your principal, staff, teachers, students – even parents!

How does Google Docs work? It’s explained below in Plain English (thanks CommonCraft!). Click here if YouTube is blocked.

You’ll be getting lots of hands-on experience with both editing and sharing your Google Docs, but let’s first start off with a document of mine for collaboration.

Need a manual or handout? The Google Docs Overview is a great resource that is always just a click away while you are using Google Docs. Just click on the ‘Help’ menu and select ‘Google Docs Help Center’ shown below:

Need some inspiration? Check out these Interesting Ways to use Google Docs in the Classroom. Also, don’t forget to check out the available Templates, accessed from the ‘Create’ menu – check out this great Facebook Profile Page for an Historic Figure template! Want to use a Form for a quiz? Grade it with Flubaroo! Also, be sure to use for shortening too-long-to-type URL’s.

Lastly, you can access some additional detailed information from my presentation on Project Based Learning Using Google Docs:

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