I just wanted to share a couple of posts from the TechToolsForSchools blog that I came a crossed while planning and working on a proposal for a regional EdTech PLC.
As I read Becoming a Tech Facilitator: Part I it almost sounded like a biography of my own experience learning and using technology in the classroom. It all started off with a class web site and in my case a projector, and just built and build from there. I wish that many teachers would just make that classroom Web site a true part of their instruction, and not just add a few things during the year because they have to. A classroom Web site is SO helpful with classroom management and dealing with students who were absent or simply lost a handout, putting the responsibility on the student to manage their own learning.
Becoming a Tech Facilitator: Part II spells out what it really takes to be a great technology trainer and EdTech resource for your department, school and district.
Both are a quick read, but have some great insight as to what it takes to become a leader in technology integration.