UTIPS Core – Importing 1st & 2nd Math & Language Arts Exams

Although there is not an Item Pool to draw questions from in 1st  and 2nd grades, you are not out of options as far as using UTIPS Core for benchmark exams and assessing how your students are doing. A year or so ago, the State Office released some no longer used versions of the CRT exams in Mathematics and Language Arts for 1st and 2nd Grades. I’ve taken those exams, and put them into the old UTIPS.

The good news is that you can import these exams into your new UTIPS Core acccount to use with your students – just follow the directions below:

First, log into UTIPS with your respective district or charter address. Once you have logged in, click on the ‘Settings’ link – it’s the bottom link on the left side of the page. Just beneath your email address (if it’s not in there, add it now for password recovery later!), find and click the button labeled ‘Import Folders/Tests from UTIPS’. A new pane of options will appear to the right. See the image below.


If you’d like to add your old UTIPS tests, you can choose your local UTIPS Server, add your own account credentials, and import away. For the 1st and 2nd Grade CRT’s, here’s what you need to do:

  • 1st Grade Assessments
    • Server: SEDC
    • Username: crt1st
    • password: sedc
  • 2nd Grade Assessments
    • Server: SEDC
    • Username: crt2nd
    • password: sedc

Once you’ve entered in that information, click the ‘Import Data’ button. UTIPS Core will think for a minute, and if/when it’s successful you’ll see a green message letting you know that it was successful and that you need to log out of your account and log back in to see the new exams. The logout link is on the top right of the page.

That’s it! You should now have some new folders in ‘My Tests/Assessments’ with the three sub-tests of each subject for the grade(s) imported. To administer the tests to your students, make the test available to them in the ‘Overview’ options of the test, and add the students as participants in the ‘Participants’ tab.

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