Updating Your New School Page on Concrete

First of all, thank you all for your patience during the migration from your old school site management software to the new Concrete5 based system. Concrete5 should be MUCH easier for you to use – no more sections and categories! Just go to the page you’d like to update, and edit!

Your new school site is located at http://pes.garfk12.org – it’s linked from the district site as well. If you need to access anything from your old site to bring it to your new page, you can find that at http://www.pes.garfield.k12.ut.us

To log in, your username is your first name and last name combined with no spaces – firstlast. Your password is pes1234, and the first thing that we’ll need to do is to change that password!

If you have questions about how to make changes to your site after today, you can always refer to the Concrete5 Documentation Page where you’ll find instructionsl and videos on about any topic you’ll need.

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