Socrative Student Response System – Better Than Poll Everywhere?


Socrative is a very intriguing new (to me, anyway) tool for formative assessment, quizzes, polls, and other classroom interactions that is easy to set up, easy for students to access, and best of all – free.

It is much more flexible and ready to use ‘on the fly’ than other services I’ve heavily endorsed before (Poll Everywhere) in that you can simply open up a multiple-choice or open-ended question for student responses without having to build the question first (Ever wanted to capture individual responses from an entire class on a UTIPS test/quiz in your classroom??)

Socrative has a great tool for building mixed multiple-choice and short answer question quizzes where the results are not displayed on the board (Teacher’s screen on projector) that can be teacher- or student-paced. The answers are collected, multiple coice questions are graded, and you can have the results downloaded in an Excel file, viewed as a Google Doc, or simply emailed to you.

You can also do True/False, quick Exit Tickets and a game called ‘Space Race’ with the system.

It’s certainly worth a look. Watch a quick video of how it works:

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