iPad Summit Agenda & Resources

SEDC Regional iPad Summit

Iron County School District Board Room

January 14, 10:00 AM – 2:30 PM


10:00 – 10:05 AM – Welcome: Cory Stokes, SEDC

10:05 – 10:30 AM – Before You Buy:

  • 10-Pack Discounts through Apple Store for Education – Dan Sinema, Apple
    • Any other discounts on the hardware?
  • Management of Bulk App Purchasing – Dan Sinema, Apple
    • How many of each app need to be purchased for discounts to kick in?
  • Management of iPad Sets – Dan Sinema and group
    • How are others managing use, charging, syncing, app installation, locking down the App store, etc.
  • Is it required to use a credit card to set up the iPad and purchase apps?
    • Gift Card Loop Hole

10:30 – 11:00 AM – Discussion on Uses:

  • Perceived uses for Administrators? Kathy Webb, USOE
    • Access to data, documents, use during administrative walk-troughs, observations, note taking – what else?
  • Perceived uses for Teachers?
    • Create/edit classroom materials, research, presentations (web content, slide shows, specific apps), interact
      ive white board, content specific apps – what else?
  • Perceived uses for Students?
    • Educational app use, view/interact with teacher-created materials, research, web access, online testing (formative with new UTIPS, summative?) – what else?
    • Replace all text books? CourseSmart is an alternative, but seems to need work.
    • Some free ePub text books are available from ck12.org
    • How is the iPad for content creation for students? Documents, presentations, web content?
  • What can you do without purchased/installed Apps?
  • What are the Myths vs. the Facts?
    • Adobe Flash is not supported
    • Java is not supported
      • Fact, but JavaScript is in Safari (can be turned off in the Safari settings)
    • Google Docs are not supported
      • Fact & Fiction. Viewing Documents is supported, editing spreadsheets works, but it’s clunky. Office2 HD is a good solution.
    • You can project anything that you see on the screen if you have the VGA connector
      • FALSE! Only certain applications, at certain times will show.
        • Safari? Only when videos are shown (non-Flash)
        • Keynote? Only when presenting, and you can’t see your slides
        • Videos app? Will work with videos saved on your iPad

11:00 – 11:30 AM – Google-izing your iPad

  • What Google Apps Domain settings are needed for all of this to work? Just enable Google Sync
  • District mail on your iPad/iPod Touch/iPhone?
  • You can (and should be) syncing ALL services (Calendar & Contacts) not just Gmail
    • Syncing can be difficult
    • Making Google the home of your contacts and calendars is the key.
    • Have multiple calendars? You can select which ones to sync to your iPad (follow the Google Apps instructions below)
    • This setup also integrates with Android devices.
      • Create a calendar event or contact once, and it’s quickly on all of your devices!
  • If you are still having issues, here’s the page of all of my Google-izing instructions.

11:30 AM – 12:00 PM – Working with Files: File & Document Storage, Management and Sharing

  • Unlike a computer, there is no true file system or ‘Desktop’
  • Email is the easiest, most direct way to share files to and from the iPad
    • One tap on the attachment will download, another will open it for viewing
    • –> button on top right will let you open or save the document in any supported app on your iPad
  • Dropbox – Amazing, free solution to have access to selected files anywhere, on any device or platform. More and more apps are including Dropbox integration.
  • Google Docs? – not fully supported via Safari browser – Office2 HD
  • Need a camera? ‘Bump’ photos from your smart phone to your iPad.
  • VPN Access to Desktops
    • Needed or Not? Does it make sense to open up VPN access to all in a district?
    • Wyse PocketCloud – lite version works really well and setup is relatively simple. Must install companion software on the computer(s) to control, uses Google account to validate access. Pro version available.
    • Mocha VNC – lite version works easily and connects to both Windows and Macs,  but it is HARD to use a touch device to control a mouse and menu based system, and especially hard when 2 monitors are used.

12:00 – 12:30 PM – Lunch Provided by SEDC & CUTS Grant

12:30 – 12:45 PM – Printing Directly From the iPad?


12:45 – 1:15 PM – In The Classroom: One-To-Many Information Delivery Best Practices

  • What will project, what will not?
  • eMedia Videos – by using the QuickTime Download button
  • 2Screens – Interactive White Board Replacement and Teacher’s Swiss Army Knife
    • Project documents, presentations, photos and web content, with annotation or use as IWB, capture displayed content and annotations, built-in pointer, etc.
  • GoodReader – is an app for the iPad that allows the viewing of many different file formats on the iPad itself. It will also allow them to be projected over the VGA-out connector.
  • Mobile Mouse – Turns your iPad into a remote control mouse or SMARTtablet for your computer and IWB. Gets you out from behind your desk, and allows student interaction with content on the screen.
  • Flashcards Deluxe – Great app for individual students or the whole class. Create your own or find a stack to download from over 10,000 user created stacks.

1:15 – 2:00 PM – Educational Apps

2:00 – 2:30 PM – Great Apps for Productivity

  • InstaPaper – Save news and web reading for later consumption offline with a click
  • Flipboard – a fast, beautiful way to flip through the news, photos, Google Reader and Flickr.
  • Pages, Numbers, and Keynote – The standard for productivity apps on the iPad for page layout, word processing, spreadsheets, and presentations.
  • 1Password – securely manage all of your various logins, and store other secure information for quick access.
  • Dragon Dictation – allows you to easily speak and instantly see your text or email messages.
  • Adobe Ideas – your digital sketchbook, letting you capture and explore ideas anywhere you go.
  • Penultimate – Take notes, keep sketches, or share your next breakthrough idea — in the office, on the go, or home on the sofa.
  • AudioNote –  combines the functionality of a notepad and voice recorder to create a powerful tool that will save you time while improving the quality of your notes.
  • smartNote – a nice combination of Penultimate and AudioNote with extra gadgets and tools.
  • Stickyboard – A giant whiteboard with a never-ending stack of sticky notes.
  • Idea Sketch – lets you easily draw a diagram – mind map, concept map, or flow chart – and convert it to a text outline, and vice versa.
  • Even a bunch of apps for techies and geeks!

iOS Educational Apps Spreadsheet

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