Tag: ipodtouch
iPads In The Classroom 2-Day Workshop for WCSD
View the Agenda/Outline or the detailed workshop notes here. You can also access the presentation. Day 1 Topics: Join the conversation and ask questions at TodaysMeet. The Basics home button – home screen, search screen double tap home to access l…
iOS Apps for Math & Science – URSA 2011 Presentation
See the ever-growing list of the State Trainers favorite apps here, or at http://bit.ly/hnZ07Y Science Vernier Video Physics: Take a video of an object in motion, mark its position frame by frame, and set up the scale using a known distance. Video…
iWork for iPhone and iPod touch – Productivity Just Got Smaller
In a surprise move, Apple has just announced that its iWork suite is now available for iPhone and iPod touch. The iWork suite, including Keynote, Pages and Numbers, were previously available on the iPad and, of course, the Mac. The apps are availa…
Language Arts Teachers Rejoice! EasyBib iPhone App
via youtube.com Bibliography creation by scanning the barcode of the book you want to cite, or search for the title and edition that you are looking for. Switches between different formats with a click. Where was this when I was in school? Thanks …
The iSchool Initiative from Kearns High School
via ischoolinfo.wikispaces.com iSchool Initiative Wiki – Granite School District and Kearns High School iPod Touch project Web site. Includes all of the apps they are using, along with discussions of classroom management and lesson plans. I’ve bee…
IEAR.org – I Education Apps Review
via iear.org The more curation that we can get for educational iOS apps, the better! Teachers just don’t have the time, patience (let alone the money to try many apps out) to wade through the ‘Education’ category and the hundreds of thousands of a…
The iCougar iPod Touch Program at Kearns High School
There has been a lot written about this project in the local news and not all of it positive. However, what I saw today while visiting the school was nothing short of amazing. I saw engaged students and teachers using the devices in a variety of w…
Hey! I have an iPad! Now what?
I received this message from a teacher that I work with today: I have an iPad and want to get it to work with my Google stuff – do I need an app? Do you have any tips or good apps for it? Excellent! I just got one about a month ago, and I am…