Tag: cellphones
How to Use Cell Phones as Learning Tools
via teachhub.com Regardless of your school???s cell phone policy, the reality in most schools is that students have phones in their pockets, purses, or hoodies. Why not get these tools out in plain sight and use them for good and not evil? Here are …
Cell Phones Are NOT Evil!
Here’s the link to view today’s presentation Links and resources mentioned in our session: ChaCha ChaCha Smartphone Apps Google SMS List of Google SMS searches Wiffiti My Wiffiti board TextMarks, and TextMarks Lite Sign up for a free TextMarks acc…
GroupMe – Free Alternative to TextMarks for Small Groups
Check out this website I found at groupme.com Now that TextMarks has limited free groups to one-per-user, GroupMe might be a good alternative for classroom-sized groups. Each group created has it’s own unique phone number and will accomodate up to…
Podcasting: Anytime, Anywhere Learning
Why podcasts? Why can’t kids just sit still in class in perfect rows and learn in the same way that their parents, and their parent’s parents did? Well, to borrow a phrase from one of my favorite fruit companies, they ‘Think Different’: Video cour…
Can You Talk The Talk? (or Cell Phones are NOT Evil!)
First off, feel free to view and download the presentation for today’s session. Here are some great resources out on the web to harness the power and engagement potential of cell phones: Poll Everywhere: PollEverywhere is a service that you can us…