Welcome to SUECON 2015! Below are the links to all of my presentation resources – just click on the session you have attended, and you’ll be able to download PDF’s of my presentations (or access them directly), see all of the session notes and links to the apps and resources that I have presented.
If you’d like to be informed when I post new resources and information, you can follow me on Twitter @sedcclint, or on my Facebook Page. Thanks for your attendance and interest!
Friday, November 6
- 3:40 PM: Commence the Flip, Room 206 in the Pink Hall
- Flipped Instruction is more than just students watching videos, it’s a way to make the most of your time with your students by providing some of your direct instruction to students outside of class time. This allows for more time in class for projects, individualized instruction, and allowing students to do their “homework” where they can ask the expert their questions instead of their parents or the Internet. When instructional video is used in the classroom students retain more information, visually understand concepts more readily and are more passionate about what they are learning. This session will cover what Flipping is, what it isn’t, best practices and introduce you to some tools that can help you to commence your flip.
Saturday, November 7
- 9:50 AM: Painless Password Management, Room 202 in the Pink Hall
- In this session I will start you down the road to login and password nirvana by introducing you to a few tools that will help you create, track and remember your passwords for you! These tools will create complex passwords and save them so that you will only need to remember ONE more password for the rest of your life. Bring your logins and passwords that have been jotted down on the note pads in your desk and sticky notes from under your keyboard so that we can get them secure!
- 12:00 PM: Getting Started with Google Classroom, Room 123 in the Green Hall
- Classroom is Google’s version of an LMS (Learning Management System) that is designed to work incredibly well with teachers and schools who are using the Google Apps for Education platform (free Gmail for schools). It has many features similar to Canvas, but it is entirely free to use. If you are in a district who is using Google Tools and you are using Google Docs to collect student work, Classroom is what you need. Join me to learn the basics and to see how to take control of your digital student work.
You can also check out my schedule on the SUECON Sched site. If by any chance you are looking for SUECON sessions that I have presented in the past, view my SUECON 2013 and SUECON 2012 sessions.
Take a look at the chart below. As you go through your sessions at this conference, PLEASE keep these ideas in mind. 🙂
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