Apps, sites and services we’ll cover today (I’ll add notes and any of your suggested apps as we go!):
- Explain Everything (I’ll be showing the $9.99 “Classic” version, but the free for 30 days subscription version will work for today). Learn more about their education subscription pricing, find an existing project to build from, or learn more about how to use the app.
- Educreations – This is a decent free alternative app to Explain Everything, and has great classroom support. If you have a classroom set of iPads, your students can create accounts linked to yours to create/share/submit projects with you. Recording and input features are not nearly as robust as Explain Everything, but it’s free!
- ShowMe is another good free alternative.
- Doceri and Doceri Desktop – Control and record your desktop/laptop with your iPad. iPad app is free, but desktop connection software is a one-time $30 purchase.
- EdPuzzle – Tremendously flexible platform for enhancing existing video for classroom use. Pull in video from a wide array of sources and add your own voice and questions to check for understanding embedded within the video.
- TEDEd – A more limited platform similar to EdPuzzle for adding your own questions and additional resources to video, but their video lesson library is AWESOME and is growing all the time.
- eMedia – Netflix for Utah Teachers. Part of Utah’s Online Library. eMedia is a growing library of videos vetted by Utah teachers, aligned to the Utah Core, and free to download and keep any video as long as you are a teacher in Utah.
- Flipgrid – Use video like your students use video. Flipgrid is a video response platform that allows educators to host video based discussions with students. Educators create topic grids and students respond with recorded videos to discuss, reflect, and share via webcam, tablet or mobile device.
- Learn more about Getting Started with Flipped and Blended Instruction from my blog at