Creative Apps for Chromebooks & Classroom Intro for Enterprise Elementary

OnTrack Section #: 73153, Course #: 59500

It’s great to be in Washington County with you all today! Here’s what we’ll cover:

With Classroom, you can use a combination of a Google Form as a quiz building tool and a great add-on called Flubaroo to grade your quizzes, evaluate the results, and even automatically email students their scores! This is a great combination to use for formative assessment in your classrooms.

Another option for formative assessment are classroom ‘clickers.’ Since you have access to Chromebooks, or even student cell phones, you can utilize some great (and FREE) web based student response and feedback systems – without the need to purchase additional single-purpose devices.

Here’s a rundown of some great options out there, and what it’s  “Killer Feature” is:

Platform: Killer Feature:
Socrative Great overall features, has Teacher and Student apps, but not required
Mentimeter Unlimited responses – great for school wide surveys
Poll Everywhere SMS/Text voting from student cell phones, free teacher accounts
Nearpod Presentation and assessment in one tool, great solution for classroom iPad labs, same app for teachers and students
Kahoot “Gamified”, colorful and fun
Plickers No student device needed – uses paper cards and a teacher cell phone or iPad camera
Google Forms & Flubaroo Easy to build, no additional logins for teachers or students needed

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