Getting Started with Project Based Learning

UEN Professional Development offers an amazing 6-week online course on Project Based Learning. You can learn more about this course here. Below are some good foundational & informational articles and resources from this course to help you get started with PBL in your classroom:


The Power of Project LearningScholastic Administrator
This article highlights how project-based learning helps to prepare students for their future in the workforce by allowing them to focus on real world issues while working collaboratively and using available technology to generate answers and solutions while still addressing curricular goals.

Start With the Pyramid: Real World Issues Motivate StudentsEdutopia
This article illustrates the benefits of engaging students by using hands-on, real-world problems to achieve learning goals. Watch the video, “Project Learning: An Overview” embedded in the article which shows examples of some authentic projects that students are working on around the country.

What is PBLBuck Institute for Education

Why is Project-Based Learning ImportantEdutopia

Videos that show project-based learning in action in Elementary and Middle Schools:

How Does Project-Based Learning Work?Edutopia
This reading will walk you through the steps required to implement meaningful, project-based learning experiences.

Characteristics of Well-Designed Project-Based UnitsIntel

What Makes a Good Project?Gary Stager
In this article, the author highlights eight characteristics of a good project and then gives you questions to ask yourself as you begin to formulate your ideas to ensure a meaningful project design.

Design Principles for Effective Project-Based LearningPBL Online

Getting A Grip On Project-Based Learning: Theory, Cases And RecommendationsMichael M. Grant


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