Mapping with Online Tools & Apps – CTE Conference at SUU

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Here’s the agenda for my sessions today, including notes, links to the sites, apps and services I’ll reference and any commentary I’ll add to the document during the day.

AM: Basic Session – getting started with ArcGIS Online, plopping points, base maps, etc.

  • Mapping with ArcGIS Online (AGOL) – PDF Document with links to tutorial videos
  • Start at
  • Browse the pre-made map gallery
  • Click ‘MAP’ to enter the mapping tool
    • 30-Day Free Trial vs. Organizational Accounts (SEDC, UEN, other service centers, etc.)
    • Email me if you’d like an SEDC Organizational Account and I’ll send an invite
  • Making a map
    • I’ll add to my SUU POI’s Map
    • Navigate to map area desired
    • Change the basemap
    • Add interesting data layers – you can find most all Utah GIS data through Add → Search for Layers → In: ArcGIS Online
    • Add ‘Map Notes’ – allows you to drop your own points, text, lines, areas, shapes, etc.
      • Dropping points
      • Give point context and meaning
      • Change symbols
      • Image URL? Image Link URL?

PM: Intermediate Session – going deeper with mapping and data collection. Including photos in maps, custom data fields, collecting map data with apps

  • Start at – Sign in with your new SEDC Org account
  • Discuss different tools used to make maps and how do you bring it all together?
    • GPS – how to get points out in a usable format? Garmin Basecamp
    • Camera – photos must be hosted/posted online – use image URL for AGOL maps
      • Google Drive is a good solution, as well as Dropbox Photos folder
    • Field Data? Clipboard is a great tool, but how do you bring data from multiple students/groups together? Google Forms &/or Google Sheets
    • One tool that can combine all of this?
  • Custom Data Fields?
    • Edit .csv file from Basecamp in Excel or Google Drive/Sheets
    • Remove extraneous data
    • Add in the data you want. Each column is a new Data field in map points
    • Save back out as a .csv
  • Add layers via file demo
  • Tutorial of whole process (GPS → Garmin Basecamp → Google Sheets → ArcGIS Online map points) on YouTube here.

Want to see my map? Here it is!


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