Month: August 2011
How Do I Sync My iPad to More Than One Computer?
I had an interesting question this morning come through my inbox, and I think that it is probably something that a lot of educators just getting their hands on an iPad or iPod Touch for the first time have… I am wondering how to sync my Ipad to …
UTIPS Data Purge – How to Save Your Test Scores
It has come time again to do a little preventative maintenance on our UTIPS server. We need to delete or purge the test results from all of the tests that you administered in UTIPS over the last year. Please be assured that this process will not d…
Schedule Resources via Google Calendar – No More Paper Computer Lab Calendars!
Got a conference room, office hours, or a basketball court that you want to make available to others? Google Calendar makes it easy for you to share your available resources with the “Auto-accept invitations” feature. To learn more about this feat…
Google URL Shortener
Start shortening your way-too-long URL’s at This may be my new favorite tool… All of the goodness of short URL’s that you can get from sites like,, or, but you get management of all of the short URL’s that you’ve …
To Ban or Not to Ban: Schools Must Decide Cell Phone Policies | MindShift
August 22, 2011 | 11:16 AM | By Audrey Watters To Ban or Not to Ban: Schools Must Decide Cell Phone Policies Permalink Last week, a study by the Pew Internet and American Life Project found that cellphones have become ???near ubiquitous???: 83% of Ame…
iPad Apps & Resources for People With Autism
Check out this website I found at Thanks to Chris Haught (@escalantevalley on Twitter) for this resource. Since I’m out of my realm with this topic, I’m so glad that there are great educators out there curating and recommen…
SMARTBoard Workshop for Kane County
Thanks for coming! Please head to this page for the agenda, notes and resources for our workshop. After today, you can find the notes and all of the SMARTBoard related posts by visiting the SMARTBoard tag or the Interactive White Boards tag on my …
Google Sites – Calendar Uses The Wrong Time Zone
This question came from one of my teachers yesterday: When I insert my Google calendar to the Google site I’m making, all the times are Pacific Time Zone. My original calendar settings are Mountain Time Zone. It’s only when I insert it to my websi…
iPads for Special Education
Get the detailed workshop notes here. You can also access the presentation. Topics: Join the conversation and ask questions at TodaysMeet. The Basics home button – home screen, search screen double tap home to access latest apps, plus iPod & brigh…
Data Display, UTIPS Core & SAMS 2
The USOE Data Display is the best tool at your fingertips to track CRT performance of a district, school, subject, class and even teacher over time. It’s also the best way to compare CRT scores to the state average, and between districts in the st…