GPS in the Classroom for Washington Co. School District, June 1-2, 2010

Here’s the links and resources you’ll need during our 2 days together of getting to know how to use a GPS to find locations, mark locations of your own, and integrating this technology to collect relevant data & create custom maps with your classes. Here’s a link to my GPS Blog for Education hosted at SEDC, and the class agenda is attached below. Another useful resource could be the Groundspeak Forum for GPS in Education.

Links and relevant resources, Day 1:

Links & Resources, Day 2

Links to Google Earth Layer Files:

    Here’s the assignment for the class to receive full credit:

    Assignment: Using the UEN Lesson Plan tool (optional), Google Docs or Microsoft Word, develop and implement a lesson that incorporates a GPS activity. You should include the following fields in your lesson plan: Summary, Curriculum Tie, Intended Learning Outcomes, Instructional Procedures, and Assessment Plan. Include with your lesson plan a reflective paper. In your paper:

    • Describe how you used the GPS in the classroom and how the activity benefited your students.
    • Evaluate your activity and describe its effectiveness incorporating the GPS as a learning tool.
    • Include the state core standard(s) the project is tied to, as well as a description of the critical thinking skill(s) from Bloom???s Taxonomy that your students will use when completing the activity.


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