Email Archiving Now Available for Google Apps for Education

Looks like Google has added the availability of enhanced email services based on Postini. Here’s what Ed Domains can add with this service:

  • Email content policies for sensitive or confidential information
  • Email attachment policies to quarantine or block specific file types
  • Email footers for all outbound messages
  • Encryption using standard TLS protocols
  • Additional layer of spam and virus protection
  • User account synchronization with Google Apps Premier Edition
Email Archiving is also included. Since we had our Google Apps domains set up before April 22, 2009, activation includes 90-day message archiving, along with the rest of the above listed services,for free. 

For an additional cost, K-12 institutions can upgrade their service to Google Message Discovery, which provides an archive of all messages for your domain. Educational institutions will receive a 66% discount. See Postini Services for Google Apps for more information and pricing.

How do you get started? Here’s how:

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During activation, email is delivered as usual with no interruption, and the activation wizard guides you through the process step-by-step. Your users are automatically added and synchronized with the service, and your activation automatically sets up default settings that work well for most organizations.

After activation, you can customize your settings for your users, create content and attachment policies, and more.There’s also a step-by-step Getting Started Guide.

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