Congratulations on completing the first piece of the puzzle for GC19WH5 – If You Ask, I Won’t Tell! The first part was solvable from your living room, but now it’s time to head out and do some puzzle solving on the spot in the real world!

Head to the following coordinates: N 37° 40.501 W 113° 04.402

Here you will find an interesting and unique memorial to some amazing people. You will use your sense of direction, some relevant dates, and the information below to discern the final cache coordinates. The final cache is within 8 miles of the above coordinates, and within a mile of the coordinates posted for the cache. 

Here we go!

N ___ ___ ??  ___ ___ . ___ ___ ___
     A    B       C    D      E    F     G

W ___ ___ ___ ??  ___ ___ . ___ ___ ___
     H    I     J        K    L      M    N    O

A: WNW 1
B: SE 3

C: NNW 5
D: SSW 2
E: SW 2
F: NE 3
G: WNW 1

H: ESE 5
H: ESE 5
I: WNW 1

J: ENE 3
K: NNE 7
L: SE 3
M: ESE 5
N: ENE 3

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