Interactive Whiteboard Resources
Looking for some ideas on how to use your Interactive Whiteboard? Below are a variety of web sites and resources that UEN gathered just for you.
UEN gathered a variety of online activities that are appropriate for Preschool aged children. They are organized by Letters, Numbers, Me and STEM.
UEN’s collection of online games for kindergarten, first and second grade students is perfect for your Interactive Whiteboard.
Engage your whole classroom and promote collaboration by displaying these grades 3-6 online interactives.
See your 7th – 12th grade students get excited about learning with this collection of interactive games and tools.
PBS KIDS Interactive Whiteboard Games
Here is a collection of interactive whiteboard games from PBS. Like their programs, all of their games are age-appropriate and vetted by educators.
Thinkfinity: Student Interactives
Thinkfinity provides free online learning interactive games and activities for students of all ages.
National Library of Virtual Manipulatives
These online manipulatives and activities allow K-12 students explore and examine math concepts.
This is a popular set of interactive online materials for math and science education – for grades 3 through 12.
Thanks to the good folks at UEN for bringing these great Interactive White Board activities and eMedia videos together for Utah teachers.
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