Tag: web20
Facebook Fan Pages & Twitter: A Primer for Schools & Teachers
Permalink: http://goo.gl/tC8K6t It’s that time of year again… Time to get back to school! Why not start the year off with a new resolve and commitment to better communicate with and engage your students and their parents, letting them know about all of the great things happening in your classroom or school in a way…
Web 2.0 to support the National Educational Technology Standards
via vei.moric.org Great post that identifies excellent resources to support each strand of the NETS.
The Innovative Educator: Ten Ideas for Educating Innovatively with Phone Casting (aka Podcasting made easy)
via theinnovativeeducator.blogspot.com Some great ideas here on how to use any cell phone in class for educational ‘Phone-Casting’ for both teachers and student projects. The highlight? Learning that creating a phonecast with iPadio of ANY recorde…
Cell Phones are NOT Evil! SUECON Conference 2011
View the presentation below – all of the links are active, so make sure to dig a little deeper!
Facebook for Educators – A guide from the source
via facebookforeducators.org A guide for using Facebook for educators FROM Facebook. Looks like a good primer to explain all of the lingo and the differences between the Home, Profile, Groups and Pages in FB so that teachers can use it effectively…
New South Wales, Australia, opens Facebook to teachers – and Twitter, Flickr & YouTube
‘I am strongly supportive of teachers having access to social networking so they can use worthwhile educational sites such as Facebook and particularly YouTube,” he said. ”Teachers will be able to teach their students about digital citizenship s…
Facebook Friending 101 for Schools from the Cool Cat Teacher Blog
via coolcatteacher.blogspot.com It’s a lengthy article, but well worth a read – especially if you are friending students in Facebook or are considering it… I would agree that educators should never friend their students on Facebook. The best app…