Tag: ipodtouch
Ways to Evaluate Educational??Apps, from Tony Vincent’s Learning in Hand Blog
via learninginhand.com Thanks to Theresa Wilson for passing this article along to me. There are some fantastic rubrics here to evaluate educational apps for mobile devices based on relevance to the curriculum, ability to customize, level of studen…
Apple Configurator – iPad & iPod Management Made Easier
via itunes.apple.com This software was just released today with the announcement of the new iPad. It looks like a good update to the iPhone Configuration Utility, but I’ve just only looked at the screenshots. It seems to be able to do more as far …
The Innovative Educator: Ten Ideas for Educating Innovatively with Phone Casting (aka Podcasting made easy)
via theinnovativeeducator.blogspot.com Some great ideas here on how to use any cell phone in class for educational ‘Phone-Casting’ for both teachers and student projects. The highlight? Learning that creating a phonecast with iPadio of ANY recorde…
AirServer – Bring AirPlay and AirTunes to your Mac
More features, better value. AirServer is the most advanced AirPlay/AirTunes receiver app on the market. No other app will let you seamlessly stream audio, videos, photos, and photo slideshows to your Mac or iOS device. AirServer gives you more fe…
Best iPad Apps for Presentations in Elementary Classrooms
Here’s another couple of questions that I received from one of my teachers yesterday: I have 2 ipads in my classroom that I would like to utilize more than I am at the moment. Do you have any suggestions, a website that I can go to for educational…
Multiple Accounts on the iPad?
A principal in my region posed this question to me: Is there a way to manage 2 accounts on 1 iPad. I have an iPad for each teacher, and would like to have a school account for school purchases, and a personal account for other things. Is this doab…
How Do I Sync My iPad to More Than One Computer?
I had an interesting question this morning come through my inbox, and I think that it is probably something that a lot of educators just getting their hands on an iPad or iPod Touch for the first time have… I am wondering how to sync my Ipad to …
Fun Educational Apps: Best Apps for Kids Reviews iPad / iPhone / iPod
via funeducationalapps.com Yet another site to help curate the overwhelmingly large number of educational iOS apps out there. Sites like this are great to help busy teachers find what they need quickly.
iPads for Iron County Principals
You can view the presentation here or take a look at the detailed notes for the workshop as a Google Document.Oh, I almost forgot… You might want to check out the CommonCore App with the new math and language arts cores.