Tag: iphone
How Do I Sync My iPad to More Than One Computer?
I had an interesting question this morning come through my inbox, and I think that it is probably something that a lot of educators just getting their hands on an iPad or iPod Touch for the first time have… I am wondering how to sync my Ipad to …
Fun Educational Apps: Best Apps for Kids Reviews iPad / iPhone / iPod
via funeducationalapps.com Yet another site to help curate the overwhelmingly large number of educational iOS apps out there. Sites like this are great to help busy teachers find what they need quickly.
iPads for Iron County Principals
You can view the presentation here or take a look at the detailed notes for the workshop as a Google Document.Oh, I almost forgot… You might want to check out the CommonCore App with the new math and language arts cores.
iWork for iPhone and iPod touch – Productivity Just Got Smaller
In a surprise move, Apple has just announced that its iWork suite is now available for iPhone and iPod touch. The iWork suite, including Keynote, Pages and Numbers, were previously available on the iPad and, of course, the Mac. The apps are availa…
Language Arts Teachers Rejoice! EasyBib iPhone App
via youtube.com Bibliography creation by scanning the barcode of the book you want to cite, or search for the title and edition that you are looking for. Switches between different formats with a click. Where was this when I was in school? Thanks …