Tag: evs
Google Sites for E-Valley
Permalink: http://goo.gl/GRFdZ5 OnTrack Section #: 67630, Course #: 59500 Take a look at my Demo Site which shows and describes the types of pages you can create in your Google Site. Be sure to check out the Google Sites Help Center to help make your site great! We will also take a look at a wonderfully…
Chromebooks & Google Docs for a Paperless Classroom, E-Valley Elementary
Permalink: http://goo.gl/M72gfo OnTrack Section #: 66444, Course #: 59223 Thanks for having me at E-Valley today to work with you on your Chromebooks and implementing and paperless workflow with you and your students. Take a look at the links below for the needed resources for this training: Paperless Workflow and Digital Portfolios with Google Docs Chromebooks…