Month: October 2013
Google Goodies for Fiddlers Elementary
Permalink: OnTrack Section #: 67043, Course #: 59500 I’m so glad to be with the good folks at Fiddlers Elementary School to introduce you to some of the great software and services that Google has to offer. Today we’ll take a look at Google Docs, Google Earth, and Google Sites. Below are links to some…
Creating a Paperless Classroom with Chromebooks and Google Docs for Beaver High School
Permalink: OnTrack Section #: 67012, Course #: 59223 Thanks for having me at Beaver High School today to work with you on implementing a paperless workflow with you and your students. Take a look at the links below for the needed resources for this training: Paperless Workflow and Digital Portfolios with Google Docs Integrating Chromebooks…
UTIPS Core Quick Start Guide
Click here to view my Quick Start slides (opens in a new tab). If you are just getting started, or want to get started using UTIPS Core for formative assessment in your classroom, but have not had any training or instruction, take a look at my quick(ish) guide below. You can also find an online…
23 iPad Alternatives to the Book Report
23 iPad Alternatives to the Book Report, from A great article that not only gives you 23 great ideas of how you can incorporate Project Based Learning twist with the tried-and-true book report, but it also highlights the iPad apps they use for each project type. Many of these project ideas can be modified…
Are You GettyReady?
The 150th Anniversary of the Gettysburg Address will be on November 19. To mark this historic and important event, UEN has partnered with numerous organizations to help with a statewide effort to memorize and learn about the Address – particularly focusing on how it applies today. Events are scheduled through the entire school year, culminating in a…
Paperless Google Docs Workflow Follow-Up and Edmodo for Valley High School
Permalink: OnTrack Section #: 66839, Course #: 59223 Today, we’ll review the Google Docs Paperless Workflow, as well as a review (or introduction if you didn’t attend my session at the Opening Institute) Edmodo that will enable you to flip your classroom on it’s head!
Google Sites for Bryce Valley Elementary
Permalink: OnTrack Section #: 66829, Course #: 59500 Today we will get you well on your way to a new Google Site (sorry about the demise of Posterous…). The best place I can point you is to the Google Sites help page, as well as the Google Sites tag on my site.