Things to do with Posterous today…

First off, let’s change the theme:

  • From the Manage window, click the Settings button on the top right
  • Under the LOOK AND FEEL section, click the ‘Edit Theme’ button.
  • At the top, scroll through your over 40 theme options. Click the theme thumbnail to preview your site with this theme.
  • If you’d like, click the ‘Customize’ option on the top left to tweak the colors and other custom settings available with the theme you have chosen.
  • I’d skip the ‘Advanced’ option for now…
  • When you are happy, click the big green ‘Save, I’m done!’ button on the bottom right.
The Bookmarklet:
  • Posterous has a great tool for QUICKLY sharing a page on the Interent to your site – including a snippet of the page and your comments about it.
  • When you get back to your classroom, add the bookmarklet to your browser’s quick-links bar by heading to this page: and dragging the ‘Share on Posterous’ button to your browser’s bar.
Some Posterous Email Posting Tips:
  • Email anything to ‘‘, and it will be posted to your site.
  • Remember, attach anything you’d like to your email, and Posterous will figure out what to do with it.
  • If you are not ready for a post to be published, use ‘‘, and it will be marked as private invisible to your visitors until you change the post to public.
  • If you are using tags, you can add those to your post in the email by placing ((tags:Tag 1, Tag 2)) after the post title in the email subject line – this works with the Bookmarklet title as well!
  •  If you have an email signature, use #end when you want Posterous to finish paying attention to what’s in the message. Anything after #end will not appear on your site.
  • If you are sending a particularly long post, use #more to create a page break – this keeps the important stuff visible on your main page and the details will be visible on the post page.

  • What you post to your site is important to you, your students and their parents. 
  • Ideally, students and parents would visit your page daily to see what’s new or what you’ve added.
  • In reality, this will not be the case. The solution to this is to use the Autopost feature of Posterous along with some other great services like Twitter or a Facebook Fan Page.
  • If you have a Twitter account or a Fan Page on Facebook, you can link your Posterous site to these services and when you post something to your Posterous site, links to your post will be pushed to your fans and followers.
  • In other words, they will get the information that you’d like them to have where they already spend a lot of time, making it a greater possibility for your information to reach your target audience.
  • Set up a Twitter account at
  • Set up a Facebook Fan Page here.
  • Then, set up your Posterous Autoposting here.



    3 responses to “Things to do with Posterous today…”

    1. Anonymous

      Will you post a link with information about about adding files to the static page?

    2. Anonymous

      You can create, manage and edit static pages all in the same place. Log into your Posterous blog and head to the Manage area. Once there, find the ‘Pages’ tab and click it. You can add new pages or links to sites that you’d like your students to have access to here. Once you have pages, you can edit them by hovering your mouse over the page name, and click on the ‘Edit’ button that will appear on the right. Here’s an image of what to look for:

    3. Anonymous

      Clint, I tried to view the Prezi you created for this topic, but it won’t load … is it corrupted?Anyway, I am still looking for the best way to have students carry on a "literature discussion" online.Can you lead me in the right direction?

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