Welcome to SpellingCity
SpellingCity: the ultimate online spelling program.Like SpellingCity? Then you’ll love Premium Membership!
Student Records, the SpeedySpeller Game, & More!Featured Spelling Lists
Dolch Words Colors
Words of Latin Origin Numbers to Ten
Homophones PossessivesSpellingCity.com has:
– Over 42,000 spelling words and ten learning games!
– A REAL person who says each word and sentence.
– Free home pages for teachers and parents to save lists.
– How To Videos to show teachers and parents how to use SpellingCity.com.
– A free forum and newsletter with more vocabulary and spelling resources!– Ten games to play online or to print: Spelling, Vocabulary, Alphabetical Order.
– Free printables for handwriting practice with your saved lists.
– A Resources Section which highlights features and existing lists for Dolch words, compound words, sound-alikes (their, there, they’re), contractions, possessives, and more.After taking the online spelling test, students can print out a report, retake the entire test, or get tested only on spelling words that they got wrong the first time.
TeachMe spells and displays the word in ways that stimulate memory for visual and verbal learners.
Printable Games include WordSearch, UnScramble, WhichWord?, Sentence UnScramble and MissingLetter.
Printable Handwriting Worksheets for combined spelling and handwriting practice can be created from any saved list (this feature only works if the list is saved). Choices includes three sizes of lines, capitals or small letters, script or cursive, and with directional arrows on or off. How cool is that?
Teachers: try our new Spelling City Parents’ Letter, available as PDFs for you to print and send home with your students’ spelling word lists. It is also available in Spanish.
SpellingCity.com Needs Your Help! SpellingCity.com wants to keep improving our vocabulary and spelling games. To help us:
– Link to SpellingCity from your school website, homeschool blog, or list of online learning resources.
– Tell your colleagues and friends, write a review for a teachers group, or forward our newsletter.
– Participate in the SpellingCity forum sharing your ideas on how to use the site, highlighting lists, and making suggestions for new features or spelling games.
– Fan us on Facebook, follow us on Twitter.Help make spelling time, a fun time! We want to make our spelling website a valuable fun part of every child’s spelling and vocabulary education.
SpellingCity.com shares technology with a Vocabulary website. SpellingCity is grateful to Time4Learning.com (homeschooling curriculum, afterschool online study) and Time4Writing.com (teaching writing) for their support.
Saw this in action at a couple of elementary schools yesterday – looks like an effective practice tool for kids!