Posterous | Re: Can it really be that simple?

Ok, it really is that simple. Once I hit the send button, posterous went to work and created the post that you can view at

I followed the link that was included in the reply message that confirmed my post was made, and it took me to a very simple account creation screen. I set a password and the custom address that I included above, entered in some profile information and a photo, and that was it. Amazing.

I’m just now back in the email replying to the original reply from posterous. I’m 
guessing that when I hit send again, this will be my second post. I am literally shaking my head at the implications for teachers this site may have. 

The amazing thing to me is that posterous seems to have taken the interface out of the learning curve equation for blogging and simply keeping a Web site up-to-date. If teachers complain at how easy this is, they belong in a different profession. Period. I am blown away.



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